
Any modern company in today’s market space has to do more with less.
I hate the above phrase, but it’s a economic reality that companies ignore at their own peril. As this trend continues technology has acted as the great equalizer to make this situation manageable, if management is willing to be proactive. As a VP of a small simulation company I am tasked with leading a team who creates an extremely technically advanced product that spans multiple engineering disciplines, all of which needs to be documented for both production and end users. How do you accomplish this without a large support staff? Through leveraging SaaS and team collaboration. Management that is not comfortable with shifting from a silo’ed serial production methodology will in short order be extinct as agile parallel collaborative teams complete and maintain products with fewer personnel and lower maintenance overhead.
Currently my team and I have adopted as our project management JIRA and Confluence for our documentation/wiki needs. Sure it can be over kill, but adopted appropriately it allows all developers and stake holders to contribute meaningfully to both documentation and project planning and work. Most importantly, no need to install software or be concerned with provisioning computers with a morass of specialized software components!
If you are not constantly evolving your development processes you are limiting your ability to compete in today’s market. Evolve!

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