Your Word

The world is truly upside down these days. The passing of RBG was a terrible event for this country. I could not think of a more perfect storm. I do not believe that this country is great because of its perfect vision or that it will ever be perfect. What makes this country functional, truly work is that it percolates ideas and views that are tried and discarded upon failure. More importantly, no matter how different or divergent our views on religion, policy, or this nation we can agree on a few things. One of which is our word, specifically in politics. You had it with Regan, Bush, and Obama. When you didn’t have it with Clinton (he lied) he was impeached. Trump, like Clinton, was impeached. Trump, well I don’t need to offer my opinion, if Trump walked into your home and said that it was raining outside you’d check, so would I.

This is important. This is foundational. Your word, your statements, and promises made are your word. You are nothing without them. I do not know when this became optional, it is not for me. Nor do I believe for the health of this nation should anyone tolerate it. I do not mind if your position or plan is not in alignment with my views. You may present your course of action and execute and I will make my plans and decisions accordingly. To do anything other than this prevents people from making informed decisions and plans. Our politicians, specifically this time our Republican politicians decided to block a valid nomination by a sitting President, providing a rule and a course of action that they stated was justified and that they’d stand behind as the standard. Ok. I disagreed with it, but by stating your position and course of action you provided your word.

This word was broken immediately upon RBG’s death.

Now, most people will simply shrug and state what can you do? Or my favorite Republican pundits now say they never expected them to honor their words. Huston, we have a problem. A big problem. Integrity, honesty is required capital in the world. If Republican voters do not hold their representatives accountable and just go along with this state of affairs there will be no recourse or return to normal. Perhaps with the acceptance and normalization of lying is already the case. That will be bad for this great nation. It will be terrible for all of us. It’s become apparent that there are many factions of people who believe that they can tear down and rebuild this nation. In fact, they can only destroy and are destroying the fabric of civility and trust that our founders understood was critical to this nation’s operation.

Cheating, dishonesty, lack of accountability are not acceptable. They are incompatible with society or any religion of merit.

Where does that leave the Republican Party? Where does it leave our nation? No moral person can possibly suggest this is ok, or acceptable, one cannot espouse integrity and fear of God while enabling or supporting this state of affairs.