As wise person once said: Be careful what you say. You cannot take it back. Another good one: The truth will set you free. The thing about being human, being a creature of emotion, rarely do we rationally and logical process everything and everyone. Another way to say or think about this, humans generally engage …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Sympathetic, but Ineffectual
Been an interesting week for me… Bought a new home with the money that I’ve earned busting my ass and being the best — most effective manager and developer I’ve seen. I’ve hired the best and brightest and have planned, pushed and fought my way to leading a company developmentally from a company with an …
I am tired of hurting. I am tired of trying to protect my children from being hurt. I am tired of failing to protect my marriage. I am tired. I am hurting.
In life I believe we get the opportunity to raise the people around us up. It doesn’t take much: a kind word, good advice or monetary support with specific commitments. I’ve been blessed to help and be helped in this way and it’s truly a wonderful thing when it works. It doesn’t always, some people …
Two F**ks Given
So yesterday turned out to be one of the most ridiculous days in a long time. Glad it’s over, it’s definitely related to who I am as a person, I get that but I’m tired and ready to tear it all back down to get to the things I love in life…. First, I’ve been …
Norman N. Staab — "Stormin Norman"
My family had a Stormin’ Norman way before the Gulf War and General Norman Schwarzkopf was brought to the forefront and given the nickname. Our family’s version, my version, was a tough as hell leathery SOB with a great smile a deep laugh and a wicked sense of humor. He was the epitome of a …
I Need Your Support
I received the oddest E-mail the other day. Max’s Troop Leader E-mailed me directly…. I have zero E-mails from this gentleman. He wrote: Max didn’t make the meeting. Chris – I can really use your support with making sure Max makes it to the Jamboree Meetings when it’s your weekend to have him. Brian E. …
I continue to be impressed with the level of sadness I feel when my small amount of time with my children is taken away. We don’t do that much, I can’t afford much after the divorce, I didn’t want to go to war and I didn’t prepare for it. I figured over time my kids, …
How A High Conflict Personality Rewrites History
I have spent a lot of time attempting to shrug off and move on with my life. I like to think I have been very successful at this, I am happily remarried and gainfully employed. I am helping to raise on young man full time (He just started his first job! I’m so proud!). As …
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Parental Alienation The Easy Way!
Getting Started If you are reading this you already know something about parental alienation. So I am not going to bother going through the basics. There are plenty of great sites to provide clear definitions for parental alienation. Obviously these definitions are very clinical. The reality is you’re just trying to make sure that your …