Being married for a second time has been a journey and a learning experience. I honestly never thought I’d remarry and nothing on the horizon post divorce indicated differently. It was quite the shock to find myself smitten by a former coworker, whom I went out with on a lark for a nice evening of …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
A Wise Person Once Said…
As wise person once said: Be careful what you say. You cannot take it back. Another good one: The truth will set you free. The thing about being human, being a creature of emotion, rarely do we rationally and logical process everything and everyone. Another way to say or think about this, humans generally engage …
Sympathetic, but Ineffectual
Been an interesting week for me… Bought a new home with the money that I’ve earned busting my ass and being the best — most effective manager and developer I’ve seen. I’ve hired the best and brightest and have planned, pushed and fought my way to leading a company developmentally from a company with an …
I am tired of hurting. I am tired of trying to protect my children from being hurt. I am tired of failing to protect my marriage. I am tired. I am hurting.
In life I believe we get the opportunity to raise the people around us up. It doesn’t take much: a kind word, good advice or monetary support with specific commitments. I’ve been blessed to help and be helped in this way and it’s truly a wonderful thing when it works. It doesn’t always, some people …
Two F**ks Given
So yesterday turned out to be one of the most ridiculous days in a long time. Glad it’s over, it’s definitely related to who I am as a person, I get that but I’m tired and ready to tear it all back down to get to the things I love in life…. First, I’ve been …
Norman N. Staab — "Stormin Norman"
My family had a Stormin’ Norman way before the Gulf War and General Norman Schwarzkopf was brought to the forefront and given the nickname. Our family’s version, my version, was a tough as hell leathery SOB with a great smile a deep laugh and a wicked sense of humor. He was the epitome of a …
I Need Your Support
I received the oddest E-mail the other day. Max’s Troop Leader E-mailed me directly…. I have zero E-mails from this gentleman. He wrote: Max didn’t make the meeting. Chris – I can really use your support with making sure Max makes it to the Jamboree Meetings when it’s your weekend to have him. Brian E. …
I continue to be impressed with the level of sadness I feel when my small amount of time with my children is taken away. We don’t do that much, I can’t afford much after the divorce, I didn’t want to go to war and I didn’t prepare for it. I figured over time my kids, …
How A High Conflict Personality Rewrites History
I have spent a lot of time attempting to shrug off and move on with my life. I like to think I have been very successful at this, I am happily remarried and gainfully employed. I am helping to raise on young man full time (He just started his first job! I’m so proud!). As …
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