Parental Alienation The Easy Way!

Getting Started If you are reading this you already know something about parental alienation. So I am not going to bother going through the basics. There are plenty of great sites to provide clear definitions for parental alienation. Obviously these definitions are very clinical. The reality is you’re just trying to make sure that your …


Any modern company in today’s market space has to do more with less. I hate the above phrase, but it’s a economic reality that companies ignore at their own peril. As this trend continues technology has acted as the great equalizer to make this situation manageable, if management is willing to be proactive. As a …


So, this week is supposed to be my spring break with the kids. Ironically, my ex’s birthday fell on this week. This wouldn’t have been an issue, well, it shouldn’t have been an issue. Judge hicks specified for both parents get the children the evening before and the morning after so their special day is …

The Fence

A young friend of mine came into my office one day a bit upset. At first I thought it was work related. He began to tell me about a young lady he obviously had an interest in, now I find relationships in this day and age interesting to say the least. All of the social …

Time for Change

It’s easy to talk about change. Everyone has their ideal concept of it. Change rarely occurs on a schedule. I work in change and to create change, does this mean I am change? This site, is a direct response to pressure and stress, I will make a change.