So today was the return of Max and Sam. It was nerve wracking, especially after all of the nasty texts and calls. I immediately received the silent treatment from Sam, I immediately took her to Dr. Marshall because I was not going to engage her about the court and evaluation. Dr. Marshall had fifteen minutes …
Author Archives: NMI
What Do You Want?
My Ex Today Via Text: This is what it’s all about, even 16 years later. Hope we can stop fighting and but their best interests and needs first and move on with our lives and leave courts and attorneys out of it. Too much has been lost, from time to money to opportunities to their …
You Lack Conviction
As the drama continues… My son has sent nice texts called me to have a nice chat. It’s been nice. When I responded to Man’s picture of a mountain cityscape a text from Sam arrives: Dad/Chris, if you want to talk about it now we won’t talk about it at all. Your choice and I …
Emotional Terror A Father's Guide to Coping
My daughter just called me to tell me that she is very upset at me because I am dragging out a custody evaluation… Now there would be no need for an evaluation, nor would a court proceed with one unless there was a need. A twelve year old cannot understand this… My twelve year olds …
Continue reading “Emotional Terror A Father's Guide to Coping”
Word of the Day
Bitch! My father always said you chose to be offended. Not sure if this is a cop out on some levels. I have always tried to live by it. There are a lot of ways to handle things you don’t like. I tend to play with them… That varies — but in general I have …
Time for Change
It’s easy to talk about change. Everyone has their ideal concept of it. Change rarely occurs on a schedule. I work in change and to create change, does this mean I am change? This site, is a direct response to pressure and stress, I will make a change.